5 Signs You Could Use Circulatory Support
The circulatory system pumps blood throughout the body. Blood contains the vital nutrients, healing factors, and oxygen that all body tissues need to survive. The circulatory system also carries away cellular waste products. Therefore, it orchestrates the constant process of nourishing and cleansing all body tissues.
When the blood vessels lose integrity and become damaged, the circulatory system cannot do its job well. Vascular disease is the medical term for diseases of the arteries and veins.
For clarification, arteries are different from veins. Arteries carry blood away from the heart while veins carry blood to the heart. Arteries also have thick muscular walls. Veins have one-way valves that carry oxygen-depleted blood to the heart.
When the circulatory system needs support, your body might not be getting all the oxygen and nutrients it needs.
Why does this happen?
With the normal aging process, blood vessels can become narrow and stiff. The narrower the space in the blood vessels, the less blood that can pass through.
The goal of good circulatory support is to have flexible blood vessels that constrict and dilate when needed. If blood vessels are unable to dilate, good circulation and supporting already healthy blood pressure is hard.
What are some signs that you might benefit from circulatory support, and what holistic remedies are there to improve circulation? Continue reading to learn more.
1) Slow Wound Healing
Have you ever had a cut or bruise that lingers on the skin beyond the normal timeframe?
Delayed wound healing is not uncommon. Up to 16% of the population experiences delayed wound healing.
When we are young, a bruise or cut heals quickly. As we age, the days can pass without much change to the appearance of the wound. You might catch yourself wondering when it will go away.
While you should see a doctor to rule out other causes, poor circulation often plays a role in adults of middle age and beyond. As previously mentioned, blood carries healing and growth factors that catalyze wound healing and tissue repair. If sufficient levels of blood cannot reach a damaged tissue due to blood vessel dysfunction, the result will be slow wound healing.
2) Varicose Veins
Veins carry blood to the heart and have one-way valves that prevent blood backflow. They mostly work against gravity, and these valves keep blood moving in the right direction.
If you have noticed dark blue, twisted veins on your body, especially in the legs or feet, you may be dealing with varicose veins. Varicose veins are caused by increased pressure in the veins, weakening the walls and valves that keep the circulation running smoothly. This causes the veins to engorge, distorting the architecture of the veins.
You are not alone if you have varicose veins. The research points out that 50% of adults over 50 will experience them.
Varicose veins are a cosmetically frustrating issue. Women are more prone to varicose veins than men are, although both genders experience varicose veins.
An achy and uncomfortable heavy feeling in the legs can also accompany varicose veins.
3) Erectile Dysfunction
Intimate health can be a taboo topic, however it is important to openly discuss changes to your body with a healthcare professional as symptoms can point to an underlying problem. Erectile dysfunction is linked to narrowing of the blood vessels. Often there is a general circulatory issue for men dealing with erectile dysfunction.
ED can look like issues achieving or maintaining an erection.
In a poll of adults between 65-80 years old, two thirds said they value intimacy. Clearly, sexual desire is important for older adults and therefore successfully following through on that desire must also be important. Sexual activity also has many health benefits in terms of relieving stress and helping maintain the bond with an intimate partner or spouse.
4) Cold Intolerance
Feeling chilly all the time? Do you experience cold hands and feet often? Do you find yourself turning up your thermostat often?
You may be dealing with cold intolerance, which can be a sign of poor circulation. Blood warms the body because it averages 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, about the same temperature as a hot bath or jacuzzi.
When blood vessels are narrow and stiff and cannot relax to dilate, blood supply suffers. Due to less blood volume, you may feel cold often. The most common areas of the body that will feel chilly due to poor circulation are the hands and the feet. The hands and the feet are the furthest points away from the heart that the blood circulation has to travel, and therefore the most prone to feeling the effects of poor circulation.
5) Swelling
There can be many causes of swelling and it’s important to consult with your physician if you notice swelling. Often, a cause is poor circulation and the most commonly affected areas are the legs. The vessels of the legs and feet work the hardest against gravity, explaining why swelling due to poor circulation tends to happen in those areas.
Why does this occur?
As previously mentioned, circulation not only supplies blood but also carries away metabolic waste and fluid to be filtered and cleared from the body. When circulation is not efficient, fluid can accumulate because it’s not being cleared away well.
Holistic Support for Poor Circulation
After reviewing all these potential manifestations of poor circulation, perhaps one or several align with your experience. In that case, you may be wondering what can be done about it.
Nitric oxide is a gas that the cells inside the blood vessels make. Nitric oxide helps blood vessels relax and dilate, increasing the blood volume traveling through the vessel. As previously mentioned, with age the blood vessels tend to get narrow and stiff.
Logically, improving nitric oxide levels helps promote more efficient circulation. The good news is, Golden After 50 has research-backed holistic ingredients in our product NitroFlo-9 that promote nitric oxide levels. Consider Nitro-Flo9 with it’s high-quality whole food extracts that are safe and effective for your body.
As with any new supplement you are considering adding into your routine, consult with your physician beforehand to ensure NitroFlo-9 is the right product for your individual health needs.

Dr Laurel Ash, ND, MS is an Oregon and Washington board-certified Naturopathic Physician. With a passion for nutritional health, Dr Ash earned her doctorate in Naturopathy from the National University of Natural Medicine while receiving her masters in Integrative Mental Health. Her unique combination of evidence-based research and skilled knowledge in holistic medicine has allowed Dr. Ash to successfully treat many with a wide-range of issues.